So, you’ve assessed your education, experience, repertoire and abilities by taking our 8 question survey and have now made the decision to begin auditioning in Germany. The next step is understanding HOW to navigate the German audition, agent and theatre systems. The following links will give you basic fundamental knowledge of how the German opera system works. 

Auditions Page Includes:

Auditions Overview

Repertoire & Fach

Audition Season

What To Bring?

What To Wear?

After The Audition


Agents Page Includes:

Agents: Who, What, How?

Finding an Agent

Agent Lists

Your First Contact Email


Theatres Page Includes:

Theatre Overview

Key Terminology

Auf die Bühne / On the Stage


Digital Materials Page Includes:

Resume / Lebenslauf



Social Media


Travel & Living Page Includes:

Homebase & Housing

Der Preis ist Heiss: Keeping Costs Down


Train Tips

Visit these links individually to increase your knowledge on how the German opera system works!