Upcoming interview: You’ve Got the Tools

One of the highlights of our latest interview is that singers already have the skill set to learn to speak German. Not from books and word lists, but by real world experience, listening and figuring things out. This is how singer and certified Goethe Institute teacher Lorna Price and many European language teachers approach language teaching. What we’ve learned as opera singers fits right in. We listen, imitate and have to get the words right and at the same time we express ourselves and put feeling into those words to make them mean something. In the hands of a talented language teacher we we do this while learning grammar through the spoken language, not as separate rules imposed on it You’ve already learned to sing, now learn to speak! Be part of a culture that has a place for you. Lorna’s interview will give you an idea of the process as well as provide practical tools you can begin using now. Like a career, it’s not easy but it is rewarding and can be fun. Enjoy!

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