This list if for experienced professionals who have performed their role in these operas. These are the most performned operas of this season and the theaters where they playing through October. I expect to make it a recurring post
A singer doing an “Einspring” must be able to arrive the day of the show, watch a video of the Dress Rehearsal (Generalprobe), have a short “Verständigungsprobe” with the Conductor, get fitted for costumes, hair and makeup and do a good job onstage, usually with the help of generous colleagues. It can be good money and an introduction to a theater, although gone are the days when a theater would also offer you additional work with rehearsals to better know you.
It’s best just to let your agent know you have these opers ‘drauf’, than writing the repspective KBB’s, since they tend to go through channels they know. If you know the KBB people you can contact them, but otherwise use an agent.