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Up-to-date reports and information from our experts & current working professionals in the German opera system…
Casting: Before & After Easter-‘zeit’
Before Easter, theaters begin to slow down in business as the holiday approaches. However, after Easter theaters get serious about finalizing casting for next season.
The Importance of Unions in the German Theatre System
I once had an Operndirektor who said “Theaters make the coffee, and the singers are the coffee beans”. Grind ‘em up and throw ‘em out.
Bronchitis Tips and Tricks
One of our OperGermany devotees is managing a budding career in Germany, running back and forth from a Stückvertrag – a role in a production,
Hot Off The Presses
This will directly affect any singer who gets a guest contract in a German opera house! It happened yesterday, March 7. The Theater Worker’s Union
A Word About Holidays
Today, January 6, is a normal business day in Berlin and Saarbrücken, so I called my health insurer with a question. They gave me a
Winter Solstice
Today is the shortest day of the year: in Berlin the sun rose at 8.14 am and set at 3.54pm. Dusk starts about 2.30pm! It