Red Duck in a Yellow Flock

For those of you looking for a Fest engagement this is a good time to start with a private agent or directly with theaters. Theaters must notify singers whose contracts will not renew by mid October, and singers must notify the theater by October 31 if they do not wish to renew their contract. There are wrinkles to this process but they don’t concern those looking for a job.

Private agents generally have a lead time of about six weeks for auditions. Theaters often call at the last minute when seriously casting a role, but do schedule general auditions. It’s good to be on their radar. but you’ll have to contact them again if you arrange a trip. Be ready to say yes to an audition or they won’t consider you serious. Be aware that the government employment agency, ZAV, generally schedules auditions three months in advance, so if you want to sing for them this season plan your trip for after New Year.

It’s not easy and there’s lots of competition, especially from Ukrainian and Russian singers, so you’ll need every advantage you can get: speak the language, stage experience and something very special. To quote an agent I just spoke with, you have to be the red duck in a yellow flock. It could be spectacular singing, special looks or sparkling movement, but something has to be outstanding or you don’t stand a chance. Of course there are tons of sopranos, especially coloratura, and many fewer men, but you probably already know that. I am told that theaters are always looking for basses, especially a “Schwarze Baß”-a full, dark bass voice. I once had a colleague with a big bass voice who was a small guy, but he had a job for a long time and sang beautifully, , so if you have this kind of voice don’t worry too much about physique: there are always elevator shoes and costumes. They say tenors have it easy as well and it’s probably true but they said the same thing back in my da and I always thought there was plenty of competition. Not getting the job is part of the business and even Bryn Terfel lost out on 38 of his first 40 auditions but didn’t do too shabbily!

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