Young Singers Be Aware: If you sign a contract in Germany next year the rules will be different!

It’s a big deal and will affect you more than people already in the system, so PAY ATTENTION! It’s complicated and very German but it may affect everything from how long you have to rehearse and what roles you might sing to your retirement. It’s called the NV Solo, (Normalvertrag/Solist-the Standard Contract for Soloists) and it’s the agreement between the stage union (GDBA) and the theater, TV and Radio. The current agreement expires December 31 and after that a whole set of new rules must be agreed upon. Singer’s who signed contracts under the old rules will probably be govererned by the old rules, but should consult the Union or a lawyer.

This brings up the subject of READING YOUR CONTRACT. Not nearly enough singers do this, and if you don’t speak the language it’s really daunting, but I guarentee you the theaters will try to take maximum advantage, especially if you’re ignorant, and these rules are usually there to protect you, so knowing them is vital. Talk to the GDBA rep in the theater. Even if you’re not a member they know the ins and outs and will usually help. Their guidance saved my skin, so know who they are and talk to them.

You young’uns have Google Translate, DeepL and all kinds of tools that make life much easier, so take the time and be careful what you sign, because they’ll hold you to it

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